Hi, I met problem when adding amsua observations besides traditional ones using mpas-jedi. The error meaages are as follow,
Exception: Error: YAML validation failed.
Location: /obs operator
Invalid value: {“obs options”:{“Sensor_ID”:“amsua_metop-a”}}
Cause: required property ‘name’ not found in object
Exception: oops::Variational<MPAS, UFO and IODA observations> terminating…
The obs space part in my yaml file is
- obs space:
<<: &amsuaobsspace
obsfile: ./amsua_metop-a_obs_2021101200.nc4
obsfile: Data/omboma_amsua_metop-a.nc4
simulated variables: [brightness_temperature]
channels: 5,6,9
obs error:
covariance model: diagonal
obs filters:- filter: PreQC
maxvalue: 0
apply at iterations: 0 - filter: Background Check
threshold: 3
obs operator:
<<: &crtmdry
obs options:
<<: &crtmopts
#Sensor_ID: amsua
Sensor_ID: amsua_metop-a
get values:
interpolation type: unstructured
I am a novice using JEDI. In mpasjedi_variational test, no satellite sensor observation is used. It seems that satellite observation assimilation has not been ready in mpas-jedi. Is that true right now?
- filter: PreQC