Error: YAML validation failed when assimilate amsua observations

Hi, I met problem when adding amsua observations besides traditional ones using mpas-jedi. The error meaages are as follow,
Exception: Error: YAML validation failed.
Location: /obs operator
Invalid value: {“obs options”:{“Sensor_ID”:“amsua_metop-a”}}
Cause: required property ‘name’ not found in object
Exception: oops::Variational<MPAS, UFO and IODA observations> terminating…
The obs space part in my yaml file is

  • obs space:
    <<: &amsuaobsspace
    name: AMSUA-METOPA
    obsfile: ./amsua_metop-a_obs_2021101200.nc4
    obsfile: Data/omboma_amsua_metop-a.nc4
    simulated variables: [brightness_temperature]
    channels: 5,6,9
    obs error:
    covariance model: diagonal
    obs filters:
    • filter: PreQC
      maxvalue: 0
      apply at iterations: 0
    • filter: Background Check
      threshold: 3
      obs operator:
      <<: &crtmdry
      obs options:
      <<: &crtmopts
      #Sensor_ID: amsua
      Sensor_ID: amsua_metop-a
      get values:
      interpolation type: unstructured
      I am a novice using JEDI. In mpasjedi_variational test, no satellite sensor observation is used. It seems that satellite observation assimilation has not been ready in mpas-jedi. Is that true right now?

This error message indicates that there is an error in the yaml file, particularly that name key isn’t found inside obs operator section.
To fix this error, make sure that obs operator yaml section includes name under it. For CRTM it should be name: CRTM, like e.g. here.
Note also that the yaml sample you provided above includes YAML aliases to YAML anchors (e.g. <<: &crtmdry). If those aliases don’t have correct anchors specified in the YAML above this section, this may contribute to this issue.

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Following your suggestions, I delete the YAML aliases and add some keys inside the obs operator. The test have passed. Thank you so much for your help.

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