For those using CRTM (v2.4.1 develop) in conjunction with other software but not within the JEDI framework, what is the accepted highest-level method for adjusting whether a given surface (ocean/snow/etc) is to be treated as “specular” or otherwise diffuse? I am using CRTM v2.4.1 in the MiRS (Microwave Integrated Retrieval System) testbed and must have only ocean surfaces treated as specular.
in ./src/RTSolution/CRTM_RTSolution_Define.f90, there is the following:
! Internal variables. Users do not need to worry about these.
LOGICAL :: Scattering_Flag = .TRUE.
and in ./src/RTSolution/Common_RTSolution.f90 there is:
! Determine the surface emission behavior
! By default, surface is SPECULAR.
RTV%Diffuse_Surface = .FALSE.
Do either of these need to be adjusted?