Good afternoon,
I’m trying to set the surface emissivity to 1.0 instead of having the CRTM calculate it from one of the included surface options. In the included program check_crtm.f90 I tried
CALL CRTM_Options_SetEmissivity(opt, 1.0_fp)
But I get the error “There is no specific subroutine for the generic ‘crtm_options_setemissivity’”. Obviously I’m doing something wrong, but what is the correct way?
Hello @JackD. Following the CRTM User Guide, you can set a custom surface emissivity in the following way:
! Specify the use of user-defined emissivities...
opt%Use_Emissivity = .TRUE.
! ...defining different "grey-body" fixed emissivities for each profile
opt(1)%Emissivity = 0.9525_fp
opt(2)%Emissivity = 0.8946_fp
additional profiles...
Note that the opt index is the corresponding atmospheric profile.
Thanks @StegmannJCSDA. My problem was that I’m using multiple sensors. Just below what you quoted from the User’s Guide is what to do in that instance. Oops, didn’t see that-sorry.