SkyLab/jedi-bundle on Hercules?


Has anyone been successful in running SkyLab and/or building jedi-bundle on Hercules? If anyone has a working recipe, it would be great to share. I know this might be on the frontier at the moment, but I am needing to get this working on Hercules due to other requirements that dictate use of that machine. Anyway, I figure someone must be working on it…

I’m attempting with:

# Load the stack and environment
module purge
module use /work/noaa/da/role-da/spack-stack/modulefiles
module load miniconda/3.9.7
module load ecflow/5.8.4
module load mysql/8.0.31

module use /work/noaa/epic/role-epic/spack-stack/hercules/spack-stack-1.4.1/envs/unified-env/install/modulefiles/Core
module load stack-intel/2021.7.1
module load stack-intel-oneapi-mpi/2021.7.1
module load intel-oneapi-mkl/2022.2.1. # This is to address ecbuild not finding MKL
module load stack-python/3.9.14

module load jedi-fv3-env/unified-dev
module load ewok-env/unified-dev
module load soca-env/unified-dev

module unload crtm

module list

ulimit -s unlimited
ulimit -v unlimited

So far, I’m unsuccessful. The ecbuild fails with an error indicating it can’t find a stacktrace provider:

-- [oops] (1.7.0) [25a9404]
-- Feature TESTS enabled
-- Found MKL: /apps/spack-managed/oneapi-2022.2.1/intel-oneapi-mkl-2022.2.1-klrcilzymbsllrr6wmepfg2cfzem5ekd/mkl/2022.2.1/lib/intel64/;/apps/spack-managed/oneapi-2022.2.1/intel-oneapi-mkl-2022.2.1-klrcilzymbsllrr6wmepfg2cfzem5ekd/mkl/2022.2.1/lib/intel64/;/apps/spack-managed/oneapi-2022.2.1/intel-oneapi-mkl-2022.2.1-klrcilzymbsllrr6wmepfg2cfzem5ekd/mkl/2022.2.1/lib/intel64/  
-- Found OpenMP_CXX: -qopenmp (found version "5.0") 
-- Found OpenMP_Fortran: -qopenmp (found version "5.0") 
-- Found OpenMP: TRUE (found version "5.0") found components: CXX Fortran 
-- Found MPI_C: /apps/spack-managed/oneapi-2022.2.1/intel-oneapi-mpi-2021.7.1-zfmfvyc4a4wkhgxe2f34irg663e6dcoh/mpi/2021.7.1/lib/ (found version "3.1") 
-- Found MPI_CXX: /apps/spack-managed/oneapi-2022.2.1/intel-oneapi-mpi-2021.7.1-zfmfvyc4a4wkhgxe2f34irg663e6dcoh/mpi/2021.7.1/lib/ (found version "3.1") 
-- Found MPI_Fortran: /apps/spack-managed/oneapi-2022.2.1/intel-oneapi-mpi-2021.7.1-zfmfvyc4a4wkhgxe2f34irg663e6dcoh/mpi/2021.7.1/lib/ (found version "3.1") 
-- Found MPI: TRUE (found version "3.1") found components: C CXX Fortran 
-- Found MPI: TRUE (found version "3.1")  
-- Found NetCDF: /work/noaa/epic/role-epic/spack-stack/hercules/spack-stack-1.4.1/envs/unified-env/install/intel/2021.7.1/netcdf-c-4.9.2-6lcja7c/include;/work/noaa/epic/role-epic/spack-stack/hercules/spack-stack-1.4.1/envs/unified-env/install/intel/2021.7.1/netcdf-fortran-4.6.0-ttzcqwp/include (found version "4.9.2") found components: C Fortran 
-- FindNetCDF defines targets:
--   - NetCDF_VERSION [4.9.2]
--   - NetCDF_C_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE [/work/noaa/epic/role-epic/spack-stack/hercules/spack-stack-1.4.1/envs/unified-env/install/intel/2021.7.1/netcdf-c-4.9.2-6lcja7c/bin/nc-config]
--   - NetCDF::NetCDF_C [SHARED] [Root: /work/noaa/epic/role-epic/spack-stack/hercules/spack-stack-1.4.1/envs/unified-env/install/intel/2021.7.1/netcdf-c-4.9.2-6lcja7c] Lib: /work/noaa/epic/role-epic/spack-stack/hercules/spack-stack-1.4.1/envs/unified-env/install/intel/2021.7.1/netcdf-c-4.9.2-6lcja7c/lib/ 
--   - NetCDF_Fortran_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE [/work/noaa/epic/role-epic/spack-stack/hercules/spack-stack-1.4.1/envs/unified-env/install/intel/2021.7.1/netcdf-fortran-4.6.0-ttzcqwp/bin/nf-config]
--   - NetCDF::NetCDF_Fortran [SHARED] [Root: /work/noaa/epic/role-epic/spack-stack/hercules/spack-stack-1.4.1/envs/unified-env/install/intel/2021.7.1/netcdf-fortran-4.6.0-ttzcqwp] Lib: /work/noaa/epic/role-epic/spack-stack/hercules/spack-stack-1.4.1/envs/unified-env/install/intel/2021.7.1/netcdf-fortran-4.6.0-ttzcqwp/lib/ 
-- Found Boost: /work/noaa/epic/role-epic/spack-stack/hercules/spack-stack-1.4.1/envs/unified-env/install/intel/2021.7.1/boost-1.78.0-e2cmwgl/lib/cmake/Boost-1.78.0/BoostConfig.cmake (found suitable version "1.78.0", minimum required is "1.64.0")  
-- Found OpenMP_CXX: -qopenmp (found version "5.0") 
-- Found OpenMP: TRUE (found version "5.0") found components: CXX 
-- Found addr2line at /usr/bin/addr2line.
-- Performing Test OOPS_STACKTRACE_libbacktrace_AVAILABLE
-- Performing Test OOPS_STACKTRACE_libbacktrace_AVAILABLE - Failed
-- Performing Test OOPS_STACKTRACE_addr2line_AVAILABLE
-- Performing Test OOPS_STACKTRACE_addr2line_AVAILABLE - Failed
-- Performing Test OOPS_STACKTRACE_default_AVAILABLE
-- Performing Test OOPS_STACKTRACE_default_AVAILABLE - Failed
-- Performing Test OOPS_STACKTRACE_none_AVAILABLE - Failed
CMake Error at oops/cmake/backtrace_deps.cmake:69 (message):
  Cannot find a stacktrace provider.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  oops/src/CMakeLists.txt:602 (include)

Sorry… I was looking in the wrong place. The information for Hercules is not in the JEDI docs, it’s in the spack-stack docs. The following works to at least get ecbuild to succeed:

module purge
module use /work/noaa/epic-ps/role-epic-ps/spack-stack/modulefiles
module load ecflow/5.8.4-hercules
module load mysql/8.0.31-hercules

module use /work/noaa/epic-ps/role-epic-ps/spack-stack/spack-stack-1.4.0-hercules/envs/unified-env-v2/install/modulefiles/Core
module load stack-intel/2021.7.1
module load stack-intel-oneapi-mpi/2021.7.1
module load stack-python/3.9.14

module load jedi-fv3-env/unified-dev
module load ewok-env/unified-dev
module load soca-env/unified-dev

module unload crtm

module list

ulimit -s unlimited
ulimit -v unlimited

I am currently working on this. I’ve got jedi-bundle built so far and I am looking at the ctests / ctest failures. We’ll need to make changes to R2D2 to be able to run Skylab on the platform.

Great to hear! I see now that there is an issue on this topic in the repository. I’ll follow that for updates.

1 Like

@climbfuji - I thought I would post an update on my Hercules experiences thus far. I am curious to know if this is consistent with your observations.

For the sake of completeness, this post is very verbose and includes everything I’m doing so that there are no hidden steps. Hoping others find this useful. I’m sure there are improvements to be made. All scripts are embedded with appropriate Slurm directives and are submitted using sbatch <script_name>.

I can build jedi-bundle on Hercules just fine now. But I am getting a huge number of ctest failures for some repositories. Here is a summary list of test results:

[charrop@hercules-login-1 develop]$ grep "tests pass" ctest.*.out
ctest.coupling.out:63% tests passed, 3 tests failed out of 8
ctest.crtm.out:17% tests passed, 130 tests failed out of 156
ctest.femps.out:100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 1
ctest.fv3-jedi.out:90% tests passed, 13 tests failed out of 129
ctest.gsw.out:100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 2
ctest.ioda.out:100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 308
ctest.oops.out:100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 304
ctest.saber.out:100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 175
ctest.soca.out:100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 74
ctest.ufo-data.out:100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 302
ctest.ufo.out:90% tests passed, 46 tests failed out of 469
ctest.vader.out:100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 28
[charrop@hercules-login-1 develop]$ 

For building and testing I am using this environment setup:

[charrop@hercules-login-1 JEDI]$ cat 
module purge
module use /work/noaa/epic-ps/role-epic-ps/spack-stack/modulefiles
module load ecflow/5.8.4-hercules
module load mysql/8.0.31-hercules

module use /work/noaa/epic-ps/role-epic-ps/spack-stack/spack-stack-1.4.0-hercules/envs/unified-env-v2/install/modulefiles/Core
module load stack-intel/2021.7.1
module load stack-intel-oneapi-mpi/2021.7.1
module load stack-python/3.9.14

module load jedi-fv3-env/unified-dev
module load ewok-env/unified-dev
module load soca-env/unified-dev

module unload crtm

module list

ulimit -s unlimited
ulimit -v unlimited
[charrop@hercules-login-1 JEDI]$ 

I am not doing anything special for the ecbuild or make steps. Just using the following scripts submitted to service partition when internet access is needed and to compute partition otherwise.

For cloning:

[charrop@hercules-login-1 JEDI]$ cat 

#SBATCH -A gsd-hpcs
#SBATCH --time=00:10:00
#SBATCH -n 1
#SBATCH --partition=service
#SBATCH --qos=batch

source /etc/bashrc

# Get version to install
export JEDI_VERSION=${1:-develop}

# Set location of JEDI source and build
export WORK=/work/noaa/gsd-hpcs/charrop/hercules/SENA/JEDI
#export WORK=$( cd -- "$( dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd )
export JEDI_SRC=${JEDI_ROOT}/jedi-bundle
export JEDI_BUILD=${JEDI_ROOT}/build

# Setup software environment
. ${WORK}/

# Make sure git-lfs activated
git lfs install --skip-repo

# Clone jedi-bundle
rm -rf ${JEDI_ROOT}
mkdir -p ${JEDI_ROOT}
git clone --branch ${JEDI_VERSION} > ${JEDI_ROOT}/clone.out 2>&1
[charrop@hercules-login-1 JEDI]$ 

For ecbuild:

[charrop@hercules-login-1 JEDI]$ cat 

#SBATCH -A gsd-hpcs
#SBATCH --time=00:30:00
#SBATCH -n 1
#SBATCH --partition=service
#SBATCH --qos=batch

source /etc/bashrc

# Get version to install
export JEDI_VERSION=${1:-develop}

# Set location of JEDI source and build
export WORK=/work/noaa/gsd-hpcs/charrop/hercules/SENA/JEDI
#export WORK=$( cd -- "$( dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd )
export JEDI_SRC=${JEDI_ROOT}/jedi-bundle
export JEDI_BUILD=${JEDI_ROOT}/build

# Setup software environment
. ${WORK}/

# Run ecbuild
rm -rf ${JEDI_BUILD}
mkdir -p ${JEDI_BUILD}
ecbuild ${JEDI_SRC} > ${JEDI_ROOT}/ecbuild.out 2>&1

For make:

[charrop@hercules-login-1 JEDI]$ cat 

#SBATCH -A gsd-hpcs
#SBATCH --time=02:00:00
#SBATCH -n 24
#SBATCH --partition=hercules
#SBATCH --qos=batch

source /etc/bashrc

# Get version to install
export JEDI_VERSION=${1:-develop}

# Set location of JEDI source and build
export WORK=/work/noaa/gsd-hpcs/charrop/hercules/SENA/JEDI
#export WORK=$( cd -- "$( dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd )
export JEDI_SRC=${JEDI_ROOT}/jedi-bundle
export JEDI_BUILD=${JEDI_ROOT}/build

# Setup software environment
. ${WORK}/

# Run ecbuild
make -j 24 VERBOSE=1 > ${JEDI_ROOT}/make.out 2>&1
[charrop@hercules-login-1 JEDI]$ 

For retrieving the test data:

[charrop@hercules-login-1 JEDI]$ cat

#SBATCH -A gsd-hpcs
#SBATCH --time=01:00:00
#SBATCH -n 1
#SBATCH --partition=service
#SBATCH --qos=batch

source /etc/bashrc

# Get version to install
export JEDI_VERSION=${1:-develop}

# Set location of JEDI source and build
export WORK=/work/noaa/gsd-hpcs/charrop/hercules/SENA/JEDI
#export WORK=$( cd -- "$( dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd )
export JEDI_SRC=${JEDI_ROOT}/jedi-bundle
export JEDI_BUILD=${JEDI_ROOT}/build

# Setup software environment
. ${WORK}/

# Run ecbuild
ctest -R get_  > ${JEDI_ROOT}/get_test_data.out 2>&1
[charrop@hercules-login-1 JEDI]$ 

To run the tests on compute nodes I have to split them up into pieces because otherwise it won’t fit into the 8 hour max walltime limit of a compute job. To do this, I’m using the following two scripts.

For testing:

[charrop@hercules-login-1 JEDI]$ cat 

# Get version to install
export JEDI_VERSION=${1:-develop}

# Set location of JEDI source and build
export WORK=/work/noaa/gsd-hpcs/charrop/hercules/SENA/JEDI
#export WORK=$( cd -- "$( dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd )
export JEDI_SRC=${JEDI_ROOT}/jedi-bundle
export JEDI_BUILD=${JEDI_ROOT}/build

for r in coupling crtm femps fv3-jedi gsw ioda oops saber soca ufo ufo-data vader; do
  sbatch ${JEDI_VERSION} $r
[charrop@hercules-login-1 JEDI]$


[charrop@hercules-login-1 JEDI]$ cat 

#SBATCH -A gsd-hpcs
#SBATCH --time=08:00:00
#SBATCH --partition=hercules
#SBATCH --qos=batch

source /etc/bashrc

# Get version to install
export JEDI_VERSION=${1:-develop}

# Get repository to test
export TEST_REPO=$2

# Set location of JEDI source and build
export WORK=/work/noaa/gsd-hpcs/charrop/hercules/SENA/JEDI
#export WORK=$( cd -- "$( dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd )
export JEDI_SRC=${JEDI_ROOT}/jedi-bundle
export JEDI_BUILD=${JEDI_ROOT}/build

# Setup software environment
. ${WORK}/

# Run ecbuild
ctest -E get_  --timeout=3600 --rerun-failed --output-on-failure > ${JEDI_ROOT}/ctest.${TEST_REPO}.out 2>&1
[charrop@hercules-login-1 JEDI]$ 

The list of specific tests that are currently not passing for me is as follows:

  • Coupling
	  1 - coupling_coding_norms (Failed)
	  7 - test_coupled_hofx3d_fv3_mom6 (Failed)
	  8 - test_coupled_hofx3d_fv3_mom6_dontusemom6 (Failed)
  • CRTM
The following tests FAILED:
	  1 - test_check_crtm (Failed)
	  2 - test_check_crtm_random (Failed)
	  3 - Unit_TL_TEST (Failed)
	 12 - Unit_test_emis_coeff_io_nc (Failed)
	 14 - test_forward_Simple_atms_n21 (Failed)
	 15 - test_forward_Simple_cris-fsr_n21 (Failed)
	 16 - test_forward_Simple_v.abi_g18 (Failed)
	 17 - test_forward_Simple_atms_npp (Failed)
	 18 - test_forward_Simple_cris399_npp (Failed)
	 19 - test_forward_Simple_v.abi_gr (Failed)
	 20 - test_forward_Simple_abi_g18 (Failed)
	 21 - test_forward_Simple_modis_aqua (Failed)
	 30 - test_forward_Zeeman_ssmis_f18 (Failed)
	 32 - test_forward_Zeeman_ssmis_f16 (Failed)
	 33 - test_forward_ChannelSubset_iasi_metop-b (Failed)
	 34 - test_forward_ClearSky_atms_n21 (Failed)
	 35 - test_forward_ClearSky_cris-fsr_n21 (Failed)
	 36 - test_forward_ClearSky_v.abi_g18 (Failed)
	 37 - test_forward_ClearSky_atms_npp (Failed)
	 38 - test_forward_ClearSky_cris399_npp (Failed)
	 39 - test_forward_ClearSky_v.abi_gr (Failed)
	 40 - test_forward_ClearSky_abi_g18 (Failed)
	 41 - test_forward_ClearSky_modis_aqua (Failed)
	 42 - test_forward_Aircraft_cris-fsr_n21 (Failed)
	 43 - test_forward_Aircraft_crisB1_npp (Failed)
	 44 - test_forward_ScatteringSwitch_atms_n21 (Failed)
	 45 - test_forward_ScatteringSwitch_cris-fsr_n21 (Failed)
	 46 - test_forward_ScatteringSwitch_v.abi_g18 (Failed)
	 47 - test_forward_ScatteringSwitch_atms_npp (Failed)
	 48 - test_forward_ScatteringSwitch_cris399_npp (Failed)
	 49 - test_forward_ScatteringSwitch_v.abi_gr (Failed)
	 50 - test_forward_ScatteringSwitch_abi_g18 (Failed)
	 51 - test_forward_ScatteringSwitch_modis_aqua (Failed)
	 52 - test_forward_SOI_atms_n21 (Failed)
	 53 - test_forward_SOI_cris-fsr_n21 (Failed)
	 54 - test_forward_SOI_v.abi_g18 (Failed)
	 55 - test_forward_SOI_atms_npp (Failed)
	 56 - test_forward_SOI_cris399_npp (Failed)
	 57 - test_forward_SOI_v.abi_gr (Failed)
	 58 - test_forward_SOI_abi_g18 (Failed)
	 59 - test_forward_SOI_modis_aqua (Failed)
	 60 - test_forward_SSU_ssu_n06 (Failed)
	 61 - test_forward_SSU_ssu_n14 (Failed)
	 62 - test_forward_VerticalCoordinates_atms_n21 (Failed)
	 63 - test_forward_VerticalCoordinates_cris-fsr_n21 (Failed)
	 64 - test_forward_VerticalCoordinates_v.abi_g18 (Failed)
	 65 - test_forward_VerticalCoordinates_atms_npp (Failed)
	 66 - test_forward_VerticalCoordinates_cris399_npp (Failed)
	 67 - test_forward_VerticalCoordinates_v.abi_gr (Failed)
	 68 - test_forward_VerticalCoordinates_abi_g18 (Failed)
	 69 - test_forward_VerticalCoordinates_modis_aqua (Failed)
	 70 - test_k_matrix_Simple_atms_n21 (Failed)
	 71 - test_k_matrix_Simple_cris-fsr_n21 (Failed)
	 72 - test_k_matrix_Simple_v.abi_g18 (Failed)
	 73 - test_k_matrix_Simple_atms_npp (Failed)
	 74 - test_k_matrix_Simple_cris399_npp (Failed)
	 75 - test_k_matrix_Simple_v.abi_gr (Failed)
	 76 - test_k_matrix_Simple_abi_g18 (Failed)
	 77 - test_k_matrix_Simple_modis_aqua (Failed)
	 85 - test_k_matrix_Zeeman_ssmis_f19 (Failed)
	 87 - test_k_matrix_Zeeman_ssmis_f17 (Failed)
	 88 - test_k_matrix_Zeeman_ssmis_f16 (Failed)
	 89 - test_k_matrix_ChannelSubset_iasi_metop-b (Failed)
	 90 - test_k_matrix_ClearSky_atms_n21 (Failed)
	 91 - test_k_matrix_ClearSky_cris-fsr_n21 (Failed)
	 92 - test_k_matrix_ClearSky_v.abi_g18 (Failed)
	 93 - test_k_matrix_ClearSky_atms_npp (Failed)
	 94 - test_k_matrix_ClearSky_cris399_npp (Failed)
	 95 - test_k_matrix_ClearSky_v.abi_gr (Failed)
	 96 - test_k_matrix_ClearSky_abi_g18 (Failed)
	 97 - test_k_matrix_ClearSky_modis_aqua (Failed)
	 98 - test_k_matrix_ScatteringSwitch_atms_n21 (Failed)
	 99 - test_k_matrix_ScatteringSwitch_cris-fsr_n21 (Failed)
	100 - test_k_matrix_ScatteringSwitch_v.abi_g18 (Failed)
	101 - test_k_matrix_ScatteringSwitch_atms_npp (Failed)
	102 - test_k_matrix_ScatteringSwitch_cris399_npp (Failed)
	103 - test_k_matrix_ScatteringSwitch_v.abi_gr (Failed)
	104 - test_k_matrix_ScatteringSwitch_abi_g18 (Failed)
	105 - test_k_matrix_ScatteringSwitch_modis_aqua (Failed)
	106 - test_k_matrix_SOI_atms_n21 (Failed)
	107 - test_k_matrix_SOI_cris-fsr_n21 (Failed)
	108 - test_k_matrix_SOI_v.abi_g18 (Failed)
	109 - test_k_matrix_SOI_atms_npp (Failed)
	110 - test_k_matrix_SOI_cris399_npp (Failed)
	111 - test_k_matrix_SOI_v.abi_gr (Failed)
	112 - test_k_matrix_SOI_abi_g18 (Failed)
	113 - test_k_matrix_SOI_modis_aqua (Failed)
	114 - test_k_matrix_SSU_ssu_n06 (Failed)
	115 - test_k_matrix_SSU_ssu_n14 (Failed)
	116 - test_k_matrix_VerticalCoordinates_atms_n21 (Failed)
	117 - test_k_matrix_VerticalCoordinates_cris-fsr_n21 (Failed)
	118 - test_k_matrix_VerticalCoordinates_v.abi_g18 (Failed)
	119 - test_k_matrix_VerticalCoordinates_atms_npp (Failed)
	120 - test_k_matrix_VerticalCoordinates_cris399_npp (Failed)
	121 - test_k_matrix_VerticalCoordinates_v.abi_gr (Failed)
	122 - test_k_matrix_VerticalCoordinates_abi_g18 (Failed)
	123 - test_k_matrix_VerticalCoordinates_modis_aqua (Failed)
	124 - test_adjoint_Simple_atms_n21 (Failed)
	125 - test_adjoint_Simple_cris-fsr_n21 (Failed)
	126 - test_adjoint_Simple_v.abi_g18 (Failed)
	127 - test_adjoint_Simple_atms_npp (Failed)
	128 - test_adjoint_Simple_cris399_npp (Failed)
	129 - test_adjoint_Simple_v.abi_gr (Failed)
	130 - test_adjoint_Simple_abi_g18 (Failed)
	131 - test_adjoint_Simple_modis_aqua (Failed)
	132 - test_adjoint_ClearSky_atms_n21 (Failed)
	133 - test_adjoint_ClearSky_cris-fsr_n21 (Failed)
	134 - test_adjoint_ClearSky_v.abi_g18 (Failed)
	135 - test_adjoint_ClearSky_atms_npp (Failed)
	136 - test_adjoint_ClearSky_cris399_npp (Failed)
	137 - test_adjoint_ClearSky_v.abi_gr (Failed)
	138 - test_adjoint_ClearSky_abi_g18 (Failed)
	139 - test_adjoint_ClearSky_modis_aqua (Failed)
	140 - test_tangent_linear_Simple_atms_n21 (Failed)
	141 - test_tangent_linear_Simple_cris-fsr_n21 (Failed)
	142 - test_tangent_linear_Simple_v.abi_g18 (Failed)
	143 - test_tangent_linear_Simple_atms_npp (Failed)
	144 - test_tangent_linear_Simple_cris399_npp (Failed)
	145 - test_tangent_linear_Simple_v.abi_gr (Failed)
	146 - test_tangent_linear_Simple_abi_g18 (Failed)
	147 - test_tangent_linear_Simple_modis_aqua (Failed)
	148 - test_tangent_linear_ClearSky_atms_n21 (Failed)
	149 - test_tangent_linear_ClearSky_cris-fsr_n21 (Failed)
	150 - test_tangent_linear_ClearSky_v.abi_g18 (Failed)
	151 - test_tangent_linear_ClearSky_atms_npp (Failed)
	152 - test_tangent_linear_ClearSky_cris399_npp (Failed)
	153 - test_tangent_linear_ClearSky_v.abi_gr (Failed)
	154 - test_tangent_linear_ClearSky_abi_g18 (Failed)
	155 - test_tangent_linear_ClearSky_modis_aqua (Failed)
	156 - test_forward_OMPoverChannels_atms_npp (Failed)
  • fv3-jedi
The following tests FAILED:
	 61 - fv3jedi_test_tier1_hofx_fv3lm (Failed)
	 63 - fv3jedi_test_tier1_hofx_nomodel (Failed)
	 65 - fv3jedi_test_tier1_hofx_nomodel_amsua_radii (Failed)
	 66 - fv3jedi_test_tier1_hofx_nomodel_abi_radii (Failed)
	 87 - fv3jedi_test_tier1_hyb-3dvar (Failed)
	103 - fv3jedi_test_tier1_hyb-4dvar_pseudo-geos (Failed)
	112 - fv3jedi_test_tier1_diffstates_gfs (Failed)
	113 - fv3jedi_test_tier1_diffstates_geos (Failed)
	115 - fv3jedi_test_tier1_addincrement_gfs (Failed)
	116 - fv3jedi_test_tier1_letkf (Failed)
	119 - fv3jedi_test_tier1_lgetkf (Failed)
	125 - fv3jedi_test_tier1_enshofx_fv3lm (Failed)
	127 - fv3jedi_test_tier1_eda_3dvar (Failed)
  • ufo
The following tests FAILED:
	139 - ufo_test_tier1_test_ufo_amsr2_qc (Failed)
	140 - ufo_test_tier1_test_ufo_amsua_qc (Failed)
	141 - ufo_test_tier1_test_ufo_amsua_allsky_gsi_qc (Failed)
	142 - ufo_test_tier1_test_ufo_amsua_qc_clwretmw (Failed)
	143 - ufo_test_tier1_test_ufo_amsua_qc_filters (Failed)
	144 - ufo_test_tier1_test_ufo_amsua_qc_filters_geos (Failed)
	145 - ufo_test_tier1_test_ufo_amsua_qc_miss_val (Failed)
	146 - ufo_test_tier1_test_ufo_atms_qc_filters (Failed)
	147 - ufo_test_tier1_test_ufo_atms_n20_qc_filters_geos (Failed)
	148 - ufo_test_tier1_test_ufo_cris_qc (Failed)
	149 - ufo_test_tier1_test_ufo_cris_qc_land (Failed)
	152 - ufo_test_tier1_test_ufo_mhs_qc_filters_geos (Failed)
	349 - ufo_test_tier1_test_ufo_opr_abi_ahi_crtm (Failed)
	350 - ufo_test_tier1_test_ufo_linopr_abi_ahi_crtm (Failed)
	351 - ufo_test_tier1_test_ufo_opr_airs_crtm (Failed)
	352 - ufo_test_tier1_test_ufo_linopr_airs_crtm (Failed)
	353 - ufo_test_tier1_test_ufo_opr_amsr2_crtm (Failed)
	356 - ufo_test_tier1_test_ufo_opr_amsua_crtm (Failed)
	357 - ufo_test_tier1_test_ufo_linopr_amsua_crtm (Failed)
	358 - ufo_test_tier1_test_ufo_opr_amsua_geos_crtm (Failed)
	359 - ufo_test_tier1_test_ufo_linopr_amsua_geos_crtm (Failed)
	360 - ufo_test_tier1_test_ufo_opr_atms_crtm (Failed)
	361 - ufo_test_tier1_test_ufo_linopr_atms_crtm (Failed)
	362 - ufo_test_tier1_test_ufo_opr_cris_crtm (Failed)
	363 - ufo_test_tier1_test_ufo_linopr_cris_crtm (Failed)
	364 - ufo_test_tier1_test_ufo_opr_gmi_crtm (Failed)
	365 - ufo_test_tier1_test_ufo_opr_hirs4_crtm (Failed)
	366 - ufo_test_tier1_test_ufo_linopr_hirs4_crtm (Failed)
	367 - ufo_test_tier1_test_ufo_opr_iasi_crtm (Failed)
	368 - ufo_test_tier1_test_ufo_opr_mhs_crtm (Failed)
	369 - ufo_test_tier1_test_ufo_linopr_mhs_crtm (Failed)
	370 - ufo_test_tier1_test_ufo_opr_seviri_crtm (Failed)
	371 - ufo_test_tier1_test_ufo_linopr_seviri_crtm (Failed)
	372 - ufo_test_tier1_test_ufo_opr_smap_crtm (Failed)
	373 - ufo_test_tier1_test_ufo_linopr_smap_crtm (Failed)
	374 - ufo_test_tier1_test_ufo_opr_sndrd1-4_crtm (Failed)
	375 - ufo_test_tier1_test_ufo_linopr_sndrd1-4_crtm (Failed)
	376 - ufo_test_tier1_test_ufo_obsdiag_crtm_airs_optics (Failed)
	377 - ufo_test_tier1_test_ufo_obsdiag_crtm_amsua_optics (Failed)
	378 - ufo_test_tier1_test_ufo_obsdiag_crtm_atms_optics (Failed)
	379 - ufo_test_tier1_test_ufo_amsua_crtm_bc_channelnobc_geos (Failed)
	380 - ufo_test_tier1_test_ufo_amsua_crtm_bc_geos (Failed)
	381 - ufo_test_tier1_test_ufo_amsua_crtm_bc_obsoperator (Failed)
	382 - ufo_test_tier1_test_ufo_amsua_crtm_bc_tlad (Failed)
	395 - ufo_test_tier1_test_ufo_ssmis_f17_gfs_backgroundcheck_bc (Failed)
	396 - ufo_test_tier1_test_ufo_ssmis_f17_gfs_backgroundcheck_nbc (Failed)

Sorry Chris, I do not have the time to go through all of this information at the moment. I am planning to go back and retest everything when spack-stack-1.5.0 is on Hercules (next week). Sorry!

Dom, I would be interested in knowing how your tests with spack-stack-1.5.0 on Hercules go next week and whether your ctests for jedi-bundle pass or not. I am trying my best to be low maintenance and wanting to just copy your recipes and figure it out from there. I’m not asking you to debug my process, but rather to share yours with me (if it differs from what is documented already). If you do have a successful build on Hercules that passes all ctests for jedi-bundle just pointing me to your recipe should be enough. I don’t need long explanations or hand holding.

Understood, of course! Once I’ve got a usable setup I’ll share that with you.

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