I tried to write a fortran code to convert VIIRS AOD to IODA following this fortran converter for GNSSRO obs. Please see the AOD NetCDF file, its header information and the subroutine of writing out this file in this link.
From the header information, it seems the generated NetCDF file complies with the IODA convention and structure. But when it was read by JEDI, it showed errors below. It seems related to the variable attributes. Could you help take a look and advise on what I may miss in the fortran code?
5728 Exception: source_column: 0
5729 source_filename: /scratch1/BMC/gsd-fv3-dev/MAPP_2018/bhuang/JEDI-2020/JEDI-FV3/expCodes/fv3-bundle/V20240115/fv3-bundle/ioda/src/engines/ioda/include/ioda/Attributes/Attribute.h
5730 source_function: Attribute_Implementation ioda::detail::Attribute_Base<Attribute_Implementation>::read(gsl::span) const [with DataType = std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator>; Marshaller = i oda::detail::Object_Accessor_Variable_Array_With_Data_Method<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::allocator>, char *>; TypeWrapper = ioda::Types::GetType_Wrapper<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits, std::a llocator>, 0>; Attribute_Implementation = ioda::Attribute]
5731 source_line: 267
Thanks very much!