I am having compile problems with the develop branch of saber of the type:
/usr/bin/ld: …/…/lib/libsaber.so: undefined reference to `atlas::grid::detail::partitioner::TransPartitioner::TransPartitioner()’
This happens with atlas version 0.38.0 and 0.40.0, and also develop. Which atlas version are you using for testing/running? This is for the gcc 12.3.1 compiler suite
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Hi Mark, I’m pretty sure our testing is running spack-stack 1.7 which has atlas version 0.36.0; I use spack-stack 1.8 which has atlas 0.38.1 and both seem to work. What version of the ectrans package are you using? (both the most recent spack-stacks have ectrans 1.2.0).
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Thanks @ncrossette for the quick response. I don’t have ectrans - could that be the problem? I can install it now
Yes, I think that is the issue. I’m pretty sure your missing TransPartitioner is in the ectrans package
I’m using my own version of spack and it doesn’t know about ectrans. Can I install it manually? I don’t see it on ecmwf github
Yes - thanks again @ncrossette - that was indeed the problem. I installed ectrans and fiat and now it compiles